Thursday, May 8, 2014

Spring Food Plots Are Officially Planted

Well I expected to post this at least a week earlier than this, but spring turkey season booked up more than expected (it's a good thing) so the food plots went in a little late. Starting with an overgrown field was a lot of work. This is what my bottom field looked like two months ago.

It was a crazy winter and I wasn't sure if it was ever going to end. I don't think it started warming up until the middle of April. I decided the first time I laid eyes on the overhead of this property that this would be my prime food plot area.

Today I finished my groundwork and planted my spring deer crops.

Hopefully in a few weeks we will start to see some greenery popping up in this dirt. Because it was an overgrown field, I decided to plant a spring crop of mostly buckwheat to help with the soil quality for a subsequent fall planting this year. To compliment my buckwheat I planted cowpeas, grain sorghum, and a pinch of sunflowers. I plan to cut this in the fall and plant some combination of clover in the fall.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Map Of Current And Proposed Deer Management Techniques

I stayed home from the land today to get a short break from the 4am turkey hunting grind of the last three days. Being new to the sport of turkey hunting the gobblers have been teaching me many lessons and running me ragged. Even though I wasn't physically present there today my mind was still there, as I sat down and plotted current projects as well as future ones on an overhead map. The yellow ovals are food plot sites. The red rectangles are current deer stands and/or box blinds. The triangles are proposed future stands. The blue blobs are current mineral sites.