Friday, September 30, 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Happy Bow Season Eve!!!

The Night Before Bow Season.......

by Greg Milatz on Thursday,September 30,2010

'Twas the night before bow season all through the state,
Not a creature was stirring only those still up late;

The treestands were hung in the woodlots with care,
In hopes that a shooter soon would be there.

The hunters were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of opening day danced in their heads;

I had on my boots and Williams Wilderness Lodge cap,
My Hoyt Charger laid on my lap.

When out in the swamp there arose such a clatter,
I awoke from my doze to see what was the matter.

I blinked and I blinked,tried to focus my eyes,
My knees they were knocking and so were my thighs!

When,what to my wondering eyes should appear,
40 yards a way,a 160 class deer!

With a crick in his walk,not lively or quick,
I silently drew and a spot I did pick,

More rapid than eagles my breathing became,
As he pawed and he grunted still closer he came;

It wasn't Dasher or Dancer or Prancer or Vixen,
Not Comet,not Cupid,not Donner nor Blitzen!

Behind the large oak,now near a deadfall,
My trance it was broken by a crow's distant caw.

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle,mount to the sky,

A small spike-horn buck and several more deer,
Parading behind the buck big as a steer.

And then,in a twinkling,I heard to my right,
Another 160,OH WHAT A SIGHT!

My head it was spinning,my breathing was fast,
I knew that this scene wasn't going to last.

His cape it was dark,it seemed almost black,
From years in the swamp,where sunlight did lack.

His bases were massive,his main beams were too,
His dressed weight I figured would easily go two.

His eyes --how they twinkled! His throat patch a double!
This case of buck fever had me in deep trouble

I eased up my draw,they didn't flinch,
The scene it was frozen,man 'nor beast moved an inch.

I could hear acorns crunching from the bite of their teeth,
And steam from their nostrils encircled their head like a wreath;

He had a broad neck,for that it seemed early,
These wild living creatures had turned me to jelly.

Resigned to the fact that the deer'd won this round,
I simply enjoyed the scene I had found.

In the blink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Away from my stand this deer gaggle did head.

They pawed and they grunted the young bucks did trot,
I wondered and said thanks for the show I had got.

A lifetime of memories this hunt it did make,
Despite my bow did not fire,or no game did I take.

My breathing had calmed,my knee knocking did cease,
I was glowing,was happy,my world was at peace.

The hunt makes you do that,the hunt,not the kill,
The day that it doesn't,I'll quit hunting,I will.

What the heck is that clatter,that despicable beep?
That's ruining my dream and ending my sleep?

It's the alarm clock,so get out of bed,
Let's make a reality what was just in my head!


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Final Food Plot For 2016 Season Completed

Austrian Winter Peas and Winter Oats Sprouting in Final 2016 Planting at Williams Wilderness Lodge.
The final deer groceries were planted last Tuesday, just before six straight days of rain. Today we completed the plot saver fence to protect the Austrian Winter Peas and Forage Oats that are already sprouting. Final preparations are complete as we are only two weeks away from the kickoff of the 2016 Missouri archery season. Get your early season fix by booking a hunt at Williams Wilderness Lodge. Call Ron at (928) 366-4020 for all the details.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Only A Month and Some Change Until Bow Season Kicks Off!!

Bucks beginning to pack up at Williams Wilderness Lodge
I performed my end of month trail camera pull this morning and the last week reveals that bucks are beginning to pack up at Williams Wilderness Lodge.

Archery season opens on September 15th and we have plenty of opening for your hunting party. With early season rates your party can hunt three days with three nights of lodging included for only $700!!! Give Ron a call at (928) 366-4020 and he will not only answer any question you have, but is happy to also email maps of the hunting land as well as all stand placements. Book an enjoyable and affordable private hunt in northern Missouri today.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Williams Wilderness Lodge 2016 Preparations

     It is hard to believe that it is already the end of June here at Williams Wilderness Lodge. Spring has come and gone so fast that our heads are still spinning here. I would like to take just a bit of time to update our current customers on the preparations for the season. Having been retired from the United States Marine Corps now for two and a half years, I can honestly tell everyone that land management for whitetail deer is difficult work at times, and rivals the USMC in sweat equity as well as tactics and strategy. We have certainly had successes as well as failures going into this third year of business, but the overall goal has always been creating a better hunting environment each year, and the evidence on the trail cameras as well as the signs on the land clearly demonstrate that we are. We expect 2016 to be our best season yet, and these are the efforts we have made to ensure it.
Williams Lodge 2016 Stand Placement
     Above is the tentative layout of our stands this year. Our future customers will see that we have placed quite a few stands for customers to use, although all customers are certainly free to bring their own and setup anywhere on the property. We have (4) ladder stands, (2) hanging stands, a two-man elevated box blind, a single man ground level box blind, and a newly acquired tripod blind. I mention again that this is the "tentative" layout. As I continue to gather intelligence and pattern the deer, one or more of these stands could be moved. I am already considering the possibility of moving the ladder stand in the northeast corner further south. In addition to these stands I have two single man popup blinds that customers are welcome to use and place strategically. Additionally, we have (3) Mr. Heater portable buddy heaters for our customer use in any of the enclosed blinds.

Williams Lodge Trail Extension
     Additionally, we extended one of our trails all the way through to the narrow food plot field (bottom field) in the southeast corner of the property. This should encourage more whitetail movement in a northwest direction after feeding rather than southward. It also allows for more efficient and strategic movement by hunters into those southern stands depending on wind direction.

Williams Lodge 2016 Mineral Sites
          We have two mineral sites on the property currently as notated above. These are setup in late March generally, and are replenished in June. Mineral sites are amazing for getting an accurate count of deer as well as ratio of bucks to does. They help bucks to get the minerals they need to grow those amazing racks as well as give does the necessary nutrition in the Spring to have healthy fawns. Our mineral is special ordered and made here in Missouri at a feed plant. It is not commercial garbage that is 90% salt.
Williams Lodge Quality Deer Management Mineral
     The deer have been tearing these sites up all Spring and will continue to do so until late August or early September.
Williams Lodge 2016 Food Plots
     We have planted forage soybeans in the bottom field again this year (orange star) as well as two small micro-plots of clover along the main ridge top (yellow stars). The soybeans are currently protected by a plotsaver fence which is in it's second year of use and I am quite impressed so far in how well it repels deer. 

     In addition to planted food plots, last year we completed 42 acres of timber stand improvement which was done by a professional forester.
Williams Lodge 2015 Timber Stand Improvement
     This was completed in Zone 1 and Zone 2 above. This has done wonders already in opening up the forest canopy and allowing a more dense understory of natural food plots as well as improved bedding areas for our deer population. It has already created a noticed increase in deer population. 

     So, as you can see a great deal of effort goes into ensuring a quality hunt for our customers. If you are a current customer we are excited to prepare another great season for you. If you are considering booking a hunt with us this year please give me a call. I am happy to help you with any questions you might have.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Turkey Hunting Tips

We are getting closer and closer to Spring Turkey Season and if you are like me in any way you are already digging out your guns, gear, and various calls in anticipation of calling in Big Tom. This is an informative video from that can increase your odds of bagging that big bird this Spring. We have openings at Williams Wilderness Lodge for your Spring turkey hunt. Give me a call and we will get you reserved for your best turkey hunt ever!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Spring Is Here And So Are The Turkeys!!!

Turkey Population was fantastic two years ago, and has grown significantly each year since with two incredibly successful hatches in 2014 and 2015.
     Williams Wilderness Lodge is proud to offer reservations for the upcoming Spring turkey season which is quickly approaching. The "Youth Only" weekend is just a few weeks away on April 9th and 10th, with the full season running from April 18th through May 8th. We offer a true "private" hunt as your party will be the only hunters on the land.

     I am so confident in the turkey population on our 102 acres at Williams Wilderness Lodge that I want to offer a 10% discount to encourage getting your youth hooked on the excitement of turkey hunting during the "Youth Only" weekend. 

     As dawn is announced each Spring morning by the barred owls who have taken up residence here, they are quickly answered in all directions by the gobble of the many turkeys still in their roost. Enjoy this experience and bag your limit this Spring, all while relaxing in our 3 bedroom lodge which has all the necessities other than food, located just a few miles from the property.

     Please give me a call and I will be happy to answer any questions you might have and get you all set for a quality hunt.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Winter Has Arrived At Williams Wilderness Lodge. Time To Book A Spring Turkey Hunt!

Winter at Williams Wilderness Lodge

     A fresh blanket of snow coats the acreage here at Williams Wilderness Lodge as another whitetail deer season has come to a close. The season is over but it seems the preparations never end. Managing this property to consistently produce quality hunting opportunities requires year-round effort.

     We currently have two feeders placed on the property for supplemental feeding. These provide a quality food source for deer and turkey (and raccoons, unfortunately) and will draw additional deer to the property during a time when good food sources can be scarce. A nice snow such as the 4-5" we just received also allows us to research and monitor movement patterns of deer more easily. Having had 42 acres of timber stand improvement completed last summer I am interested to see how much typical movement patterns are altered, if at all, by the many felled trees we now have in the woods. These trees will create many quality bedding areas and improve the population of whitetail deer in our forest. Additionally, in the Spring a much more open forest canopy will allow sunlight in and create quality undergrowth and food sources for deer and turkey.

     Speaking of turkey...I am aware that everyone is still in the process of cleaning all their gear and getting settled into the off-season, but Spring Turkey Season is less than 80 days away!! The youth only weekend is April 9-10, and the regular season is April 18-May 08.
Williams Wilderness Lodge turkey hunting is second to none.
     I am not normally one to brag, but I will put the turkey population and quality of a hunt at Williams Wilderness Lodge up against anyone. As soon as the barred owls start in at dawn on any Spring morning here one will hear consistent gobbles in all directions. If you are a beginner to the art of calling a turkey in this is the place for you, as there are plenty to practice on until you get it right. For seasoned turkey hunters, there will be no more boredom for you as the action is consistent. Please give me a call at 928-366-4020 or email me at with any questions or to book your hunt before they are filled.